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@Jacob %dJPISeaVjAmqJmBUmEjhB/g8OJ3cRdIW6PqW54XFqnM=.sha256

@romeo I really recommend adding new features to oasis instead of patchwork

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@Jacob %M71Q50DhLUfLVtjgd1u+qt7xUGjD3zztHcy4u5Q6a8Y=.sha256

@abekonge.too Patchwork should be considered to be in maintenance mode. It's really hard to add stuff to it/improve it.

@Rabble %XTLhkT3Wcvml8y3ffx7CTnYR0CxnCyCfP+qk8RPsBVQ=.sha256

It's actually incredibly hard to add shit to patchwork.

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