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@Jacob %dJPISeaVjAmqJmBUmEjhB/g8OJ3cRdIW6PqW54XFqnM=.sha256

@romeo I really recommend adding new features to oasis instead of patchwork

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@farewellutopia %RgpphnZzklreX7P4tyEPNP30geiyORZXu/pzOgjC05o=.sha256

I use #oasis on android, #patchwork on windows and linux and #patchboot everywhere, but I'm also wondering about all the cool kids....

@bobyrev %oXdKfcODMUh1BAWaBbCoJFtXzM/HMoKDeuD/aeeSBOQ=.sha256

@farewellutopia Oasis on Android? Why not Manyverse?

@farewellutopia %OS9Zu2gy0V0sxtdb/tDcUo+ejPEoANICkqtLmeTzfjE=.sha256

I tried it but it hangs frequently and I don't find features like channels and search.

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@Rabble %DNhC72h1rDvMVN1cPQI58BS7LDQnbm5GEjU7Ii5Xx9s=.sha256

We love PR's and contributions to @Planetary

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@Rabble %aA3EmggOdaO8wmYX0dRktZWLlP4ikZv2LoDGr4YzwH8=.sha256
Voted How do all the cool kids get on ssb these days? I have a feature idea I'd l
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