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Feed of @bobyrev

No more glory to Arstotzka!
Glory to the great Corporation and proprietary tech!! 😛

My BIG computer
Phone Redmi Note 3
My old notebook
My acc on mother's notebook
Home PC (old acc?)

Other accounts:
This work PC:
My PCs:

Old accounts:
Manyverse on Redmi Note 4 (2)
Manyverse on Renmi Note 4

@bobyrev %j80t1v+tTaxYXM1a5PlZvuX9NTtfJJFsYovCCI3aIZs=.sha256
Voted # More friends for Scuttleville I think Scuttleville has a fair amount of
@bobyrev %ZbBl3hxaUE1nuTPPJsFpgPxWN5AjKspDfPkmO6n/Dp8=.sha256
Voted ![mapeo_ex.jpg](&y6YOZfvKrOvyjmbvPLpMvPVnNgIhO9QIfdyZE81RrXk=.sha256) Been
@bobyrev %7S/dAcuK4NKrYYzXBsj6ovig7f9mxNzSiPvJSI90gmY=.sha256
Voted # Light Manufacturing: A Competitive Solar-Based Industrial Process? ![Scr
@bobyrev %cqsucLt33ExMRaI0qiDe/UqQ8MpX+i55CQkjmTnAeKw=.sha256

It turns out, I had Toggle Referrer extension enabled, that disallowed me to use Oasis. Totally forgot about it!

@bobyrev %LwXOUL6KZ+SsJ7yCworEW9yk+AsdHQYWshm7kR/BrLs=.sha256

Does preview work on your Oasis?

On my side, there is an error:

Request must be addressed to or localhost and non-GET requests must contain non-blob referer.

So I can't post a message -_-

@bobyrev %AYu+1SMfH7yIxtAJO6cAbor5O4HBqGUGTaMR5jj2Aps=.sha256
Voted ### Being delicious is a pretty effective survival strategy. #myco #myc
@bobyrev %9N5da9gRQSVfPOAPzpVSl+yddR1s3/btqVJnqWK7VgM=.sha256
Re: %Wh9wvz5k7

Looks too nice to be edible =D

@bobyrev %oXdKfcODMUh1BAWaBbCoJFtXzM/HMoKDeuD/aeeSBOQ=.sha256

@farewellutopia Oasis on Android? Why not Manyverse?

@bobyrev %8nb3WVTnOjmhILsOoEdH+Rf7TB6yWSMLijYQskUVKAU=.sha256

"Russia Cyberpunk Farm" fun video

@bobyrev %3ECGtG7hnmhn6+qXoifcgmJZ7laXZjAmcNKHBYF9qEg=.sha256
Re: %rhDdQ2AEe

Man, I even opened manyverse to post a custom emoji ^_^

This is great =D Much better than most haikus I've heard =))

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