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@Rabble %DNhC72h1rDvMVN1cPQI58BS7LDQnbm5GEjU7Ii5Xx9s=.sha256

We love PR's and contributions to @Planetary

@Hendrik Peter %yWJtOrlz51UCrm7kTEkR6qAHmWCZta0XZDbJgk1z+fk=.sha256

Would it be possible to add some kind of "Don't panic get started|learn more here" link to the top of the readme in that repo?
It's incredibly hard to actually understand what:

  • Planetary is from looking at the repo
  • What the repo actually does
@Hendrik Peter %GJE+8mvD48GIITDFWBbtdQ/QmlI8t41AieW1qfMquzU=.sha256

can't really figure out what planetary is from looking at the organization page either :(

@Hendrik Peter %huKoOcILqZdnfJ3UJROsoIh7UH3jp/61CkwHoD/PrKg=.sha256

does "planetary" hook into SSB and the SSB db or is it decoupled?

@Rabble %P8bjZ9LASU32nfsOb3z9/w9UGggVeT3C2jpDJ0QxOhE=.sha256

That's really helpful feedback. It's an ios scuttlebutt app. But clearly we need better instructions and documentation.

@Hendrik Peter %F972/rcsXhfBwRZDxQLEGnSWPo03d2aQ17kgsDTx4G8=.sha256

wow okay! that sounds super cool (always good to have a choice between apps :D)

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