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No Congress 2022: Looking forward to decentralized alternatives and Camp 2023

The CCC sees no other option than to cancel the Chaos Communication Congress again this year. Instead, we call on local groups for decentralized and independent alternative events [i.e. between this Christmas and New Year]. The Chaos Communication Camp will take place in Mildenberg near Berlin, Germany from August 15 to 19, 2023.


@Rabble %b+4F9okGhPfsOO75ZftS2cUhT75wHsi1mUDuZJULiyI=.sha256
Voted ### No Congress 2022: Looking forward to decentralized alternatives and Cam
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A DWeb Node being formed may host one (decentralized CCC-alternative local event) in New York.
Or maybe, something else will happen instead! #newyork #nyc

@andrew 🐝 @nonlinear

@cel %+fb0vBxUhxKfHZ5FgpstncTvdGkpj8qacjBIVCKzo/4=.sha256


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