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@mix %Mb8jpEOjv/FBu3NBYyiC5qNE2b8GnI9d83nOQEXrGLw=.sha256
Re: %sfD0WFwvj

@rich why would people prioritise lunch with friends, or working in a co-working space?

I'm going for less A :arrow_right: B thinking (:sunny: type), and leaning more into invite people together, and things will happen, not sure what yet but expect it to be good thinking ( :waning_crescent_moon: type). If it was a show&tell + grabbing a drink after, things I think might work for people are growing empowerment by honouring peoples learning, and creating a container for pleasant surprises and unexpected challenges to hit one another.

I was leaning towards show&tell because it's a fun and low cost (right sized, not some miscy new protocol), it's easy to test (immediate returns / feedback). I'm leaning into the hype thing - I think of this as beating the drum - and am looking for people interested to experiement with me and get hyped in this space. I think nailing some big-vision motivation could be a good idea - this isn't about getting together for cozy drinks and talking about the good old days, this is about pulling your head out of your arse and getting more inspired, and learning more magic spells. (I need to work on my sales skills...)

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