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@mix %MtDAvNPFMwFbqxzda6cllEIC7ngNKE8tzvrB7bY5ICs=.sha256
Re: %hxC/2/FPg

@Dan Hassan this is why I posted them as seperate iamges ! I did not expect it to happen so quickly though :smiley:

My comic series was meant to be any secret key you wanted to send out - this is my understanding of what @Kieran's proposed process looks like. What Dan has added is 2 more layers:

  • the ways in which we magically send communication + shards to friends (using private messages on ssb, which uses ssb keys)
  • where the secret you want to share out comes from in the particular case of a multi-signatory wallet. I dig this addition

I friggen love the seedling in the magic crystal.

mmmm ... I wonder if there's an image storytelling pattern in here. How fun would it be to use images to tell our stories and for them to be remixable. This is kinda like @mikey's cat butt proposal but different.

P.S. there's 12-24 hours to put in a proposal for this round of #ssbc-grants ... horcrux could be a good thing to fund IMO. We could use the funds to do building, or employ a designer, or do great user testing once we've built the prototype.... If people are keen it doesn't need to be that complicated. (note I'm not the decider this month)

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