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@dan %NLLoiQIvM+byalOY4jeYq9NMJfLj18Jb1sHfL3mksuI=.sha256
Re: %SHLiMrCC/

Ok, have a bit more time now on the road between nadi -> suva (ssb just works #offline example #1234)

My vision for a future of "Universal Basic Income" is one in which there is a federation of Local versions of a UBI. My vision is also on Sufficiency rather than Basic. At a push it might be Abundance but I have been sufficiently convinced to alter my thinking on that.

With this in mind then part of the dream of collectively governed community resources I would love if mmt crew could experiment with this.

To my mind then it would be interesting to run an experiment for... a longer period - say 4 experiment cycles (8 weeks) where there is a localised basic regardless of what else is going on in our lives. This might be 1 day per week which is paid regardless.

I find the contractor compartmentalisation the most intuitive given this is the realm that I have come from (billable hours with a fixed amount and fixed deliverables with a feedback loop to adjust expectations based on unfolding realities). On the other hand this approach often felt kind of arbitrary to me - I knew I'd speak to people about my work, I'd dream about it, I'd stairwell thought about it. Were these billable hours? Were these valorised?

And what about the efforts of those around me who have helped to reproduce me - who have put up with me when I've brought some negative vibes due to an upsetting thing which has happened during "work-hours", who have listened to my worries over cups of tea?

In reality I have poked each person here because I think you are excellent humans who would keep turning up. In reality I also knew you were all the dreamers of this new strange landscape - it doesn't quite feel right to say - this week I did 30 mins work - I don't buy that. In the basic case of @mix and @Alanna I'd put a healthy wager on that fact that mmt comes up around the dinner table sometimes, or even perhaps over a ziva nappy change. I bet it has come up in conversations which have picked up ambient reverberations of something happening at the mmt firehose on ssb...

Lastly, for me this is the work. By this I mean - hacking and tinkering with systems, approaches, tools and configurations which lead to different performative possibilities. Which expand a commons of spaciousness of subjectivity and move away from amplifying an enclosure of alienation and bad feeling. Sitting down to "calculate" the minutes I have spent on a project, sitting down at the end of the day filling in a timesheet is a bad time (and do you count the minutes to fill in that timesheet as work? How meta can the timesheet go?). Knowing there is a baseline seems to me a spacious expansion of a commons of space and good/better feelings.

cc: @Kieran @peg

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