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@cryptix %kiUlhFPtfVa9WASso8sQ6lj+eTeXCD+AtctJ8HZ935w=.sha256

ssb-ooo is trying to solve this. It fetches messages by key from other peers.

I’m not sure about it’s current state though.. I think I heard there was a problem with it but I can’t recall what it was...

@mix %siJb9cGs+xt1m0dpFWnKk/4nWYWp38wKtiPwvlzjQPI=.sha256 last touched 8 months ago.

Very little documentation. Makes it hard to gauge what's going on


@dominic every so often ooo comes up and I go look at the repo and immediately leave. I assume absolutely no README still means it's a work in progress. If it's not and it's super straightfwd and you need help writing a README, let me know

@Dominic %MYeJwS3/MykQeEo3RUxEBDDJgAds73hKiwfWozpfed0=.sha256

Sorry about that! @piet has been reminding me about that too.

This time, it struck me at perfect timing, I'd just finished something else, and had a ooo sized gap.

I added documentation (most of the code is in gossip-query which was documented but not linked to). Also I implemented a timeout option (which @cel asked for back when ssb-ooo was under more active development.

By default, ssb-ooo hooks sbot.get so if the message you ask for isn't there, it will try to get it via ooo, you can also disable that by setting ooo.hook=false in your config.

a while back sometime, I was on the verge of releasing ssb-ooo in the next version of scuttlebot, but then the tests were failing. The tests passed now without changing anything...
so I'm not sure what that was.

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