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@Christian Bundy %PE1Y5dv3cZOHf3FIxYvbBaCNkEclAEmziz9p4HYy10k=.sha256
Re: %Kks2yJ/G+


it'd be cool if I could get back into the ssbc, at least until feed delete is done, if not until websbot is done

Just to be super explicit, I'd really like to collaborate on the technical stuff everyone agrees on rather than spending any time trying to resolve interpersonal conflict(s). I'm really excited to work on feed deletion and a full node working in the browser, but I really want to avoid any role as a mediator or go-between or anything like that, you know? It's totally possible that we're already on the same page on this, I just wanted to outline where my boundaries are so you have a feel for where I'm coming from.

I've cloned it down, and I'll give the code examples a walk through after work today.

Sweet, it was super helpful for me so I hope you have a similar experience. I've also started a repo with my current progress on deleting feeds from flumedb -- it's not very clean, but maybe we can iterate on it!

I'm def down to have a call. When is a good time for you?

I'm over in Portland (PST) and weekdays between 07:00 and 15:00 work best for me, but I'm happy to do something later or on the weekends depending on when you're available. Do you have Signal, or some other chat app you like?

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