@ev I hope you don't mind the unsolicited advice, - @Christian Bundy
I never mind unsolicited advice.
but if your real interest is finding a way to delete feeds from your database then I'd recommend making a thread(/dev diary?) about that topic without the beef. You aren't alone in wanting this feature, but feature requests full of baggage and insults aren't likely to receive much positive attention.
I believe you are referencing these two posts: %FzBqBGm... and %MEE6w3S...
If you re-read these posts, I think you will see that I did not insult anyone. If you go up farther on this thread, you will see that @cryptx referred to my issue as "is the same kind of entitled bullshit that was piled on in the github thread, right? even worse nowadays you just bark up a thread when ever you see fit."
Henri insulted my reference to an issue that I believe needs to be fixed. A simple "hey ev, cool it" would have worked, instead he used my bringing up the issue as a reason to attack my character -- again.
The beef reference above was brought on this thread by @dan hassan who is a stranger to me, but has blocked me twice. I do know that he works on a project called Dark Crystal, that I do not use. I did not reference beef, Dan Hassan referenced beef.
I also did not start the beef thread was started by @mix in an effort to "beef with me" because I agreed with johnny that the grants weren't being handled well.
The grants process was handed off to Mix, and he was the sole distributor of most of the funds. Then the grants were then passed off to Andre, who recently agreed with me and then blocked me during the same day.
It's tempting to agree with these guys because they are in power on this network, but please consider the long term effects of siding with them.
If I have written anything to insult anyone, please reference the language that I used. I don't think I've ever used insulting language at any point. Even during the mcss/css debate, it was the other devs who swore at me, not the other way around.
I'm confused as to why the blame is continually being shifted towards me, as I have never written anything insulting.
I'd be interested in hearing what you've tried so far, specifically:
- techniques
- the "zero out" method with flumelog-offset
- the "filtered pipe" method that I illustrated here
- blockers
- which parts are confusing?
- what needs better documentation?
- who (other than those who have blocked you) are you asking for help from?
- code: push your attempt(s)!
- absolutely zero references to any of this beef
This is a good idea. I wish that I had any idea how Flume worked, and I had time to work on it. I'm very familiar with the front-end ssb stack, having built an ssb client myself, however the database stack within secure-scuttlebutt has challenged me. I think it'd be good to look at the database stack and make it more clear for everyone. The more clear ssb code is, the easier it will be for everyone to work with it.
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about Flume. I hope that your solution to remove delete feeds works and can be merged, so this issue can be solved.
Dominic doesn't want to be the only person who intimately understands FlumeDB, but I think we should solve that by learning rather than trying to pressure him into writing the features/docs/etc that you want. I understand that it would be easier to have him do it, but since you've lost that opportunity I'd recommend that you focus on solving the technical problem rather than rehashing your beef.
I'm hesitant to let Dominic off the hook here. ssb is his project, and he has a lot of power over it's direct. Even though Dominic blocks me, I still respect his authority and the work he's put into this project a lot.