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@Daan Patchwork %POZ9Ke+FVt5PS9ulwwYTfdbXnhnG/ID/t3C4hSHNhFw=.sha256
Re: %PLxRZMu8/

🍌 Banana!

  • Healthy
  • Tasty
  • Is enough for a snack on its own.
  • Doesn't force me to carry any utensils, nor wash my hands before or after consumption.
  • There are hundreds of varieties that I have been meaning to try but just don't get the chance.
  • If I can convince whatever supernatural power is giving this to me that plantains are bananas, this choice makes for both sweet and savoury dishes (might want to carry a knife for those occasions)
@Humberto Ortiz Zuazaga %fIg5BDrCtp436Rba7x1m5UFh0UOhWDKlNABFpYZHL6Y=.sha256

I came here to say Banana!

I mean, just look at it.

Comes with it's own packaging and ripeness indicator.

Ripe banana half peeled, with a bite taken out of the top. It's resting on a wine colored tablecloth.


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