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@kieran %QAc5MDNfkz0HQPAx5ZQID4VOFGYCbdlqY8iatw2Gojs=.sha256
Re: %Lq2bw2cSm

Ah I wish I'd known about this sooner. Looks like @pbmolini just hammered it out.

So what you're speculating is...

  • App with social_wallet_ruby
  • Social Wallet API
  • a Bitcoin / Faircoin node

Could be the app is Cobudget / Open Collective. There's not much point using the Rails app we built, social wallet API has that functionality and then some.

App can interface async with swapi (which talks to Blockchain) and listen for changes to registered addressees. Could be done via sockets over a local connection.

@mix and @Alanna are doing research as to the best tool to place on-top of a multisig for to maximise transparency. I'm really interested in what comes back from this investigation and trialing those tools.

Adding this functionality to OpenCollective / Cobudget is one way to go. Either of those groups may like it. Or it could be a fork.

May be we end up packaging a toolset (node => swapi => app) into a neat and easily deployable bundle.

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