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@dan %Lq2bw2cSmsB97kNLgCvZ6s8OE+5CmZGHJ+vVU5lHplI=.sha256

Social Wallet API + MMT Rails App Experiment

@Kieran @peg @Nikolai

Have just seen the existence of this:

A simple ruby client for the Social Wallet API. It supports both the backends of the SWAPI: the database (e.g. mongo), for local transactions within the wallet, and the blockchain (e.g. faircoin), for transactions between the wallet addresses and public addresses on a blockchain.

Would it be worth running a rapid prototype with this?

Lets say that MMT Rails App were sitting ontop of a BTC multisig wallet. Could we use the swapi to be the "source of truth" for when to invoke funds into the MMT Rails App?

Admins could the 'assign' funds to different accounts without the underlying BTC needing to move?

The main aim of the experiment would be to see how it feels to have invokation of funds happen programatically based on an underlying 'truth' (funds exist in this BTC multsig wallet) rather than 'an admin invoked these funds into the system'.

@dan %QcYzi15v16DkH5krKe7OnQpTS+Q61zdnn+YFo0wCEW0=.sha256

This might be linked to Experiment 002 but more likely it might just be the opening of a discussion...

@dan %ln+SA5+gr4syUmK0d3rP3XtgKjjp2t3UnoBHuCKWDHA=.sha256


@dan %AJmA7XpCOJP9QRhu4nsE+VcD5EBbFhhmfmOiUQFdc7M=.sha256

#mmt #mmt-tool

@kieran %QAc5MDNfkz0HQPAx5ZQID4VOFGYCbdlqY8iatw2Gojs=.sha256

Ah I wish I'd known about this sooner. Looks like @pbmolini just hammered it out.

So what you're speculating is...

  • App with social_wallet_ruby
  • Social Wallet API
  • a Bitcoin / Faircoin node

Could be the app is Cobudget / Open Collective. There's not much point using the Rails app we built, social wallet API has that functionality and then some.

App can interface async with swapi (which talks to Blockchain) and listen for changes to registered addressees. Could be done via sockets over a local connection.

@mix and @Alanna are doing research as to the best tool to place on-top of a multisig for to maximise transparency. I'm really interested in what comes back from this investigation and trialing those tools.

Adding this functionality to OpenCollective / Cobudget is one way to go. Either of those groups may like it. Or it could be a fork.

May be we end up packaging a toolset (node => swapi => app) into a neat and easily deployable bundle.

@kieran %ocZXmvqtaHKFu+hhqzuqxmBqc5X6UkDojCcHGBsKBdg=.sha256

Electrum can be interfaced with as a JSON API..., though I have no to what extent this could assist with our ideas / goals. Seems to want a private key to be on-server which is EEEEP.

@dan %KkZoT3G/Cw28GBC7ahg24vOcmgofxcdqm5AUDo5WDoI=.sha256

@Kieran "@mix and @Alanna are doing research as to the best tool to place on-top of a multisig for to maximise transparency. I'm really interested in what comes back from this investigation and trialing those tools."


@Kieran "Adding this functionality to OpenCollective / Cobudget is one way to go. Either of those groups may like it. Or it could be a fork."

Agreed. Adding to existing efforts and projects means a higher likelihood of code-liveliness (as in, it will be used).

@kieran %p2XnuwZF47XGAIyv7rM4GE1k/ikhRM4H3CmSYynmYas=.sha256

I still think regardless of how we do this, if we're using client/server model, we're always going to have an issue with private key / seed protection.

@kieran %pKq/bleDjcoLulQqHJAMXcvImdlSd4LK7se58oo29dY=.sha256

Dan Hassan shall we mess around for a couple of days when I get to Fiji thinking about this infrastructure / possibly setting it up. See where pitfalls are / major barriers?

@dan %VSEbTLo2ldz2Mth8+O9wJLnePfUtL42CxHDLB9KqGSI=.sha256

@Kieran We can mess around with some speculative designs that we can add to the mix of considerations!

Gah, #fiji ! :exclamation:

@mix %8Mp4Thk2VkuMEaXjkElV5elBn016k3lhQP1J8Z4h7yI=.sha256

@mix and @Alanna are doing research as to the best tool to place on-top of a multisig for to maximise transparency. I'm really interested in what comes back from this investigation and trialing those tools.

I think @Alanna was proposing something slightly different - as in scoping what's needed and then perhaps a comparision of that scoping to familar tools.

@dan %6iWTueY29fqU2mBOQp0Cyh1IBH4bc/8/NreJYtnQlro=.sha256

Thanks for the clarification @mix

cc: @Kieran

@mix %XbrFOrAmCA3AJ5WyMmcQ6ioRjDgeOtdjGkdmZEpcTGQ=.sha256

(see me kick the tyres with programmatic interface for electrum : %f2d3/n7...)

the docs suggest a fairly limited set of commands over json-rpc, but haven't tried connecting over that. started reading some of the python but didn't get that far. Has anyone ever used json-rpc ?

@dan %aBqr2QjmvNAu0d5W8fxSMvtkYyzGo0aO6eEVwmxIn10=.sha256

cc: #socialwalletapi

cc: @Alanna another ref. back to social-wallet

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