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@Anders %7nePl8nGzphTrJZPqrgherqo0D5mM9gmQWaecyivUvw=.sha256

Garbage collection is something that often comes up, so having some nice settings to easy tweak this would be a good thing I think.

I also like the moderation aspect of this without the hard block we have currently.

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@luandro %n45d8Fb2rtce/BJJGl/5kZq1/QwmlZhnM54zLj7hIhY=.sha256

Really like the ideas @gmarcos87. I think we've both had problem when trying to get non-english speakers into the Scuttleverse, and having a gallery of images will greatly improve that, as images are an universal language that everyone can communicate thru. With that maybe we can get @Ana Daniela and Isabela to participate in the verse. Love the idea of themed galleries.

Also hide, delete and (if I may add my suggestion from mainstream social networks) flag :triangular_flag_on_post: are very needed tools for a richer interaction with the clients.

On mobile that would be rad, and ways for deleting blobs would probably be necessary as storage in mobile is usually limited.

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@andrestaltz %ujz0Tt0NPnGWgt7RWtnvEEq1HPmMTy0aYhIe+fOYFas=.sha256

Good proposal!

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