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Re: %hgl3zqFAU

@andrestaltz I hope this set of links affords us a stable starting place.

I think we should be clear that Moritz is contributing directly to the anti-trans moral panic via posts asserting that all trans people are perverts and paedophiles. Those are ideas that lead directly to physical violence in the real world. Such statements are fuel for the fire that gets trans folks beaten and murdered today, same as they got gay folks beaten and murdered in the '80s.

"Recycled" meme: "the -gay- trans agenda" listing various false beliefs

How is this not hate speech?

Your emphasis hasn't come though, but maybe we should look at some basic definitions. Most dictionaries talk about "expressing hate", "encouraging violence", "denigrating a person or persons" etc. Where am I doing that, exactly? It hardly seems hateful to label somebody engaging in slurs and denigrating an entire demographic of people as a bigot. I don't believe wishing death to anybody is acceptable and it seems inflammatory to bring the idea into this conversation.

Isn't it my right to set a boundary, and not participate in spaces where hatemongering against me is tolerated and platformed?

It is saddening to be edging towards #respectability-politics so soon in this conversation. Notice how I am expected to be a #model-minority and perfectly adherent to calm and amicable dialogue, even when engaging with bigots who use dehumanising language and rhetoric towards me. I must maintain my composure perfectly, even in the face of credible threats to my existence, or I get told I am doing hate speech. Funny how we try to flip that accusation back onto those affected. Meanwhile Moritz writes a waffling response that 'sounds warm' without addressing any of the points I made and lists trans people in the same breath as nazis. Well, with nods to the linked articles above, that is how fascists 'argue'.

As to "problematic beliefs"— we could start with those that are a direct incitement to physical violence: bigotry against trans people; including the idea that we are all child molesters.

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