mmm, have replied to odd bits and pieces questions and posted up breadcrumbs of ideas that people could take up, but nothing that much worth documenting
Had a call with @peg to review his work on mmt-metadata work so far
Encouraged @Kieran to add his rad ssb electron scaffold to the scuttle-guide.
Had a call with @LOUIS and @corlock about organising a peer-to-peer-web type regular event in #wellington. This is broadly about supporting people to learn together, but is a bit more of a longer term project. We're gonna explore what learning from each other might look like, stay tuned
Enganging with @Josiah and @matt to do a push on ssb-tags. Josiah's is looking really good.
Left some comments : %UUW36at... and made PR on his work to offer feedback
In the process of organising a weekly call, which I'm pretty excited about.