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@mix %ShG7rdEk3wZi61GuHbu9DOg9KFrW9t9ZcNZP8eKfDPc=.sha256
Re: %b6nlgiAu3

@andrestaltz nice !

I prefer public / private / notifications / channels. I think meta is mainly useful for diagnostics, and for getting set up.

I guess initially users will be people who already have SSB identites on network. They can friend their phone identity and that will side-step need for onboarding (pub invite) functionality in this app. I know it's needed in the long run, but I'm a fervent believer in "just build enough to get people using the thing" and there's an active group of people who we can test with before going wider.

OOOOHHH boy, I'm pretty darn excited for this. If I even have read-only I'll be ready to pretty much drop FB

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