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@Connor %PmBdr6Fsqxm52kWjp59/Hk9x1trkZyMS+wgkWtIVwMw=.sha256

A fun graph/network diagram would be people <> languages/frameworks

Would be such a great at-a-glance way to understand where in the network one could go to lightly tap relevant expertise.

@mix %LIPATI0dGvl6GW3stnZmrUmo6ghBgesUDJ9xtfQ7tT4=.sha256

Awesome. This could be of interest to @rabble @rabble @Rabble @Rumblemunk

@Connor that's a #somebody-should ! Want to lead it?

@Connor %GFmFSmYz6pQeyuSxiJLgp7ab3IOytoJbe9zr0o5NIUY=.sha256

@mixmix could be a #somebody-should , but didn't initially think of it that way. More a spur of the moment thought that broadcasted.

But since you mention it I might play with some kind of poll that could get at those relationships

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@mix %OdG8BXYhP4D962nSuGvlBz+4C1apUQM018DPxS4TN9s=.sha256
Voted A little experiment: - ssb-patchql running on my android phone - scrollin
@mix %uF1WhSjdVnhqMeWXDVFuYcHTMIAzYnAFNNq2bEJANGE=.sha256
Voted A little experiment: - ssb-patchql running on my android phone - scrollin
@mix %MXCZykpxZO3SUHenwyH8LK8Hyhu7Kt9sIqhiGQoWPdQ=.sha256

huh ... @piet this proposes a really interested alternative use case : desktop / laptops as thin clients for phones

The thing I hate about phones is they're hard to type on, and there's limited space. Imagine if I could go to a library, put my phone on the wifi, then in a browser go to ipaddress:port, enter a password FDs56x (provided by my phone) and then boom be browsing my phone

@Hendrik Peter %gTT+SSKTuUTQmWzZvojAOrBscPYLMabT9y31trrjLQg=.sha256

Now that is a nice example of a query... guess I can eat my lunch at the desk later today.

@Anders %K4gdrJCt29W7HWHD/k0cgj6873PQDGHfGfEwPoEVjR0=.sha256
Voted A little experiment: - ssb-patchql running on my android phone - scrollin
@Anders %/cTcqh2x9kbmyByeimww1gLTCYRJeNGscRalEDxGkz8=.sha256
Voted huh ... [@piet](@U5GvOKP/YUza9k53DSXxT0mk3PIrnyAmessvNfZl5E0=.ed25519) this
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@Rabble %VA2JRe+Ir8fceZpV8bKNxMzSEyA134/cTDBJAI48ldQ=.sha256

We're pretty heads down working on #verse at the moment. I think it's awesome there are other iOS projects. Most of the ssb part of what we're doing is being released here:

Right now the way verse works is the gosbot provides a http end point and the swift front end calls it, pulls out the data, and puts in a sqlite db... Our plan is to try having both gosbot writing to and the verse swift code reading from the same sqlite.

I think the ssb-patchql stuff is super interesting, although i don't personally like doing react and graphql, but i know it's a really good model for pushing the queries out to the client. We should think about the privacy / data protection / security implications of multiple clients being able to do queries on a user's db. For now it's not a big deal, but what happens when zynga does scuttlebutt words with friends.

On another note we're ready for alpha testing #verse. I gave out some invites at #data-terra-nemo and would be happy to bring on some folks here if they have iOS devices and will help us test. We locked this alpha version to a different cap / network because we didn't want to break things with our tests.

@Hendrik Peter %ktZaxpB0nrzJH1qvZjOZ4h10dM4lBNP4nT5GJAtPV7I=.sha256

with the code provided above I was able to get "pagination" to work too. It took some time until the dots connected in my head (the value of the endCursor can be used post(before: "HERE")) but then getting pagination to work was quite easy.

Crude sketch of my query (there's probably a cleaner way to insert things)

function fetchLatestMessages(cursor) {
  const before = cursor ? `, before: "${cursor}"` : '';
  return apolloClient
      query: gql`
          posts(last: 100, orderBy: ASSERTED${before}) {
            pageInfo {
            edges {
              node {
                author {

thanks for the samples and the AWESOME sidebar documentation on localhost:8080!

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@mix %lXqOTxFxEbT22BpbTZX2+Gh2WMG1gLCLcFqC3A/bolc=.sha256
Voted We're pretty heads down working on #verse at the moment. I think it's aweso
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@mix %hFP6FgbLOfjTvCiZs0Cc9kEVaoU+xmamxfqZg3IZ5To=.sha256
Voted > On another note we’re ready for alpha testing #verse. I gave out some inv
@mix %3uq3/yRW31Qek4rQKgM5wPQFW438OFnqerByTsXR2sY=.sha256
Voted [@utunga3 ❀](@11eoGBzqo+79IbzXDNFmF3LTgpb3F9Vkxh6g0USRxHo=.ed25519) > so
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@Rabble %4jEDBGvAy1l4og+PVEuvcBV01BRU6FdTaChke2SzKgU=.sha256

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