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@mikey %U4Z/7ZnS1zkgp0LF5XJK7o8fR+ceHgCqhsDoEt31M4k=.sha256
Re: %VY4RezKK4

I would much rather support something that is we actually need (even if it might end up buggy and unfinished) than something we don't need but may be finished.

i'm happy to continue contributing unpaid labor for buggy and unfinished systems that have purely functional applications, but in this proposal i'm trying a new strategy: what if we tried to appeal to the next wave of contributors (beyond innovators and initiators) with an exemplary game that is fully complete, uses patterns that are easy to understand and copy, and has our cultural values baked into the medium.

:sunny: :house_with_garden: :rainbow:

this proposal is our best effort to do the best job we can, given what we know at this moment, our available skills and abilities, the resources available to us, and the situation we're in. (see prime directive.) it feels strange to be vulnerable in proposing this idea, then to be met with responses that feel uncharitable by you both @dominic and @mix, where i get the impression that you both assume this idea doesn't come from a place of shared values, despite how we've been collaborating together for many years. or maybe i'm in a clash between my ego and the messages afforded by the grant proposal medium.

that being said, i don't have a problem if y'all don't want to support this proposal this month, given the other really really really excellent proposals at hand this month, we're happy to re-propose this idea next month. and maybe a better idea will come, but this is the best we've come up with since the grant process began.


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