Neat! I can help with some parts:
How many members are there on ScuttleButt?
This will always be a difficult number to measure, it'll have to be through statistical census in the future. The exact number will always be impossible to measure because of decentralization. Right now I think we're in the range of a few thousand, maybe ~5 thousand? The way I know this is that you can check the number of ids in your local database and extrapolate a bit. I know e.g. that Dominic has 1000+ followers on SSB, and I'd suppose most people would follow him. So SSB is at least 1000 or so, but probably a bit higher, so I'd say thousands.
Is there a charted/logged growth curve?
But remember, this only reflects a portion of the whole SSB community.
How long has ScuttleButt existed?
Exactly 4 years!
We need at least two more people, who?
Add @mix, because we need to mix him in
Do we want to add more projects examples beyond...
Well, Patchwork obviously. Also TickTack because it looks crispy and juicy.