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@Christian Bundy %+BUqMa0bNZGk8/UmpvxSWyIvPZdC1IkOwqeyaq6SZxQ=.sha256


I'd be happy to experiment with this. Are you thinking we'd pool money somewhere for easy easy access or just have a simple [private?] way for friends to let us know they're in turbulent financial waters?

Maybe totally different, but I'd be happy to open up some lines of #mutual-credit on SSB. For example, maybe I offer you $10 and you offer one of your friends $10, and if they take you up on your offer then I could just fund that. I think it might add a bit of complexity, but it'd eliminate the problems of having to manage a centralized pool.

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@cel %mgpvyAwK1O0OBDn95LidZ5P0Yq/j+cNtCMuirvD4eMI=.sha256

I'll do it.
Setting aside 50 USD of BTC now.

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@enkiv2 %5RAie0zVCd4efUKl1Eg9sCz/z1mFInaY/mmgFMU28K8=.sha256
Voted # cryptaid i'd like to try a small mutual aid experiment. this is an idea
@enkiv2 %R3NQqiAAIKy78x2LeH8qJyIfC5UF7H9Hwof0sULPC7M=.sha256
Voted [@punkmonk](@EaYYQo5nAQRabB9nxAn5i2uiIZ665b90Qk2U/WHNVE8=.ed25519) I'd b
@enkiv2 %Nk0MbRtG5R5A4dP9WRMUdNE2nIvUI4mUk43iEWP6Ji4=.sha256
Voted [@christianbundy](@+oaWWDs8g73EZFUMfW37R/ULtFEjwKN/DczvdYihjbU=.ed25519) i'
@enkiv2 %CsEe+SYr9V+ABT9FXAD1DnP8T1FAA8o2g7Deh19USWU=.sha256
Voted found an article the talks quite a bit about how the amish do this type of
@enkiv2 %k+ML/bknNVCOMIsIxpQqoM7tyG0GGO9dL8PDJXVmzWQ=.sha256
Voted [@punkmonk](@EaYYQo5nAQRabB9nxAn5i2uiIZ665b90Qk2U/WHNVE8=.ed25519) I like t
@enkiv2 %wGbWD4NfNXsr6AkthP873sIuJlsMK1/yg/OV+3bQZuU=.sha256
Voted Hey [@punkmonk](@EaYYQo5nAQRabB9nxAn5i2uiIZ665b90Qk2U/WHNVE8=.ed25519) appr
@Christian Bundy %J2pThulHphX1Gbmm4JyBuWCbdKIJAlJIoZ4gXnETtC8=.sha256


found a mutual aid opportunity from an SSB friend (@jacky), if you're interested in that sort of thing:

@Christian Bundy %ImzZ+pjTgW1wrfoFIwbygGu6UeilKLNY9U9l54M3Xn8=.sha256

@punkmonk @cel @Noms

I'd love to join one of these calls. 💸

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