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@ev %VvbLmoSbnbciJ/syry9bSpcUfkMCd0OpPDNqu28jQNQ=.sha256
Re: %EcGxhkiZO

+1 to this. Working a heap of part time jobs is really hard. It sucks you didn't get more input on your proposal. - @mix

I appreciate your willingness to continue to fight against this grant decision @mix. You have a lot of political pull on this network, would you be able to backchannel with the adjudicator and the arch-adjudicator and pressure them into changing the outcome of this grant round?

@ev I don't appreciate what you're doing. This feels like a sowing of discord and misinformation. @gb's proposal being rejected, complete with concrete requirements for the next cycle, doesn't strike me as a sexist move. Other things don't add up that you're saying: if the grants process is a "boy's club of friends", @mix is definitely a part of it (hypothetically; stay with me), and yet @mix has also been backing @gb here in glowing terms, and yet wasn't able to get @andrestaltz to change his mind either. - @noffle

I don't appreciate what I'm doing here either! But there is no misinformation here, I don't think we should think that this grant process is anything different than @dominic giving money to his friends, and offloading some responsibility onto an adjudicator. By not overruling andre, dominic has also rejected gb's grant out-of-hand. He should also reject elavoie's grant based on this criteria.

I've gotten the opportunity to know many of the folks involved here, and they truly don't strike me as the sort of people that you're describing. @ev and @gb, I've met you both on multiple occasions, and you know I really like the cut of your jibs: I love your energy and enthusiasm and vision and sense of adventure. I like you both a lot. However: there is no malicious quest of vengeance here to persecute either of you. Like @mix and the others here backing @gb, we want to see you succeed. Truly. But lashing out when someone says "no" is making it really hard. Trust that there is no malice: there isn't. Bring your proposal to the next round and let's see what happens. - @noffle

I love our sense of adventure and enthusiasm and vision too! I'm with you man, we're both trying to convince gb to bring her proposal to the next round. The thing we disagree about is I think gb should drop out, because there is no possibility that this process is ever going to give her a grant. Why waste the emotional energy trying to work within this hierarchical system where she can be rejected even with all of the enthusiasm and trust that she has built during her 2+ years contributing in various ways to the scuttlebutt ecosystem?

work on them regularly within your own personal constraints, energy, and time commitment without burning out; - @elavoie

Both gb and I have contributed in positive and regular ways to this open source community since the original scuttlebutt prototype, I don't see any reason for you to doubt this.

But don't ever again turn a part of the community against another one to force your preferred outcome. If you build trust in advance, it will be there when your proposal will be judged. - @elavoie

I don't see any reason to believe that gb doesn't have the trust of the community. She has been here longer than you, got more enthusiastic endorsements for her proposal than yours, and her proposal has a more concrete and actionable plan than yours.

Speaking strictly for myself (and not gb, because she has not suffered these political setbacks), there are only two reasons that I have less clout within ssbc community than others. First, I decided to use css in my client rather than mcss, which resulted in a fork and a now-resolved dispute. I still believe css is a better choice for styling a client because everyone knows how to code css. Second, I've critiqued this grant process since it began. Both of these actions have cost me brownie points over time. I would have been better off not bringing up concerns when I had them. However, I still believe that any welcoming community should embrace and even encourage criticism. I'm prepared to be docked more brownie points for the previous sentence.

Stop pushing this conspiracy theory, it is FUD. Instead focus your attention and action into making things better, the advise you should be giving anyone here, regardless of gender, is that it is quite frustrating to be rejected, but you shouldn't give up, you're not alone here, and people can help. - @soapdog

This is not a conspiracy theory, it's just my opinion that in absense of a formal structure for this grant process we have ended up with a defacto boys club that is excluding women and minorities. I hate to say this, because I'm in the club! I don't want to have to agree with @serapath. I agree with you man! Let's figure out how to make this process inclusive, before it's too late!

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