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@SoapDog %W9Qz/WzzjyGq+jSNy7o7F8IRL4na24qcY8Yj9gUIxJQ=.sha256
Re: %oyfPzTtJq

@Fred thanks for the kind words my friend! I hope you enjoy our little corner of the decentralized web. I recommend following @The Scuttleverse Herald which is a curated feed that provides a world of wonder and discovery about what is going on here. Besides that, each SSB client offers a different take on SSB and you should play with them. You have a ton of features in #patchbay which are not present in any other client (that I am aware), for example, I love the book review thing. A lightweight client that provides a new approach to the feed/timeline is #oasis. The cool part of SSB is that you can have all these clients operating on the same data and thus complementing each other instead of competing.

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