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@dan %YKwv9q2x/OcdHqrJgmgWXGF5uVcZNEaexpJLMVgjpq0=.sha256
Re: %yWguHqHq0

i know i am big sky thinking - so it is with self awareness that I am suggesting this.

I think we're at a point where everyone should read this.

It can be read in a few sittings and basically contains a recipie for thinking about passing on crypto in event of death.

alot of the logic and process is invaluable and I think will really better inform ourselves as to successful patterns of estate management from the old world.

The good thing about this is that it maps 1:1 onto patterns people are used to

e.g. assigning an executor (ideally a pair), thinking through grief etc

I am sure it might be tempting to say this is not the right time - but given we are at the stage of encoding defaults - it would make sense to basically just mirror what the legal defaults are in most jurisdictions


assign differentiated trust to different parties - i.e. executor, figure out people who can fill the roll of technical aids to the executors etc... these are just the two main ones which I would say we need to think about.

I would encourage us all to apply our brains to that work and follow the steps as it will strengthen our overall input.

cc: @Alanna @kieran @mix @peg


Pamela Morgan on EpiCenter
Cryptoasset Inheritance Planning: A Simple Guide for Owners

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