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@dan %ZgB+6yQ3Qu1Uf91mc80wlKutD0/2+Yvi8F1i6GnhNjQ=.sha256

Cryptoasset Inheritance Planning: A Simple Guide for Owners


@Alanna I think you should find a copy of this pdf as it maps out and well documents one user journey for communicating complex technologies across a barrier (death) to people who may not know anything about "cryptoassets".

Again, this is all from the individual point of view so will need adapting when thinking about an individual within the context of a group.

It is really clearly written and is a practical how to guide with simple steps to follow.

My thinking is that much of this work can really help inform the userflow workflows with some of the issues that came up in Kierans workshop around communicating across technical capabilities.

@dan %R0BzKehM77JVcVqW5IO8f8lpBrT90IJ36vyuu3pZ0po=.sha256

Seems this would link well to an #intergenerationaltechproblems lense (which angelica initially brought up). Building caring/forgiving/resilient tools which reduce rips to social fabrics...

@dan %dz9KfHh2zRXA/13+gyeMrbraYUXZoEuGo6UEBFbM3EI=.sha256

Have now read this in full (only takes a couple of hours) @Alanna 100% think you'll find it useful. I certainly have. It has also given me more surrounding context for the area we are working in. I hadn't thought of it from this angle before, but it's a part of the Old-World which is well tested - it's interesting to see many of the lessons boiled down into easy to follow to-do items.

They'll certainly need tinkering with, but form a really robust starting point from which to jump off from.

@dan %jRW4ETmPtWCMXZyzYfyxlFzHVdEm1fS5tKRQwoFD1Ac=.sha256

It also highlighted that what we are working on is a new thing. Worth the explorations and experiments.

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@dan %toTBlq05vA4rJ+CIJHvwYa24fNqfO5KzeNbu0Jq8Hr0=.sha256

backlink to: Pamela Morgan on EpiCenter

@dan %U+3TW4n7xPcFy9r7R5uuPeZ2aXwb3n9OwnZSh5bz8ag=.sha256


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@dan %pcvYrHIQdN5TLPLCuZWlRtM7q5mUDuWUYFEVoqEOx08=.sha256

Thanks so much @Alanna this is a really good summary. We can perhaps further reduce this down to some "rules of thumb" which we can hold up against #darkcrystal interfaces to make sure we are covering our bases.


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@dan %mvxd/FqcS86cp+QZqL8Yv/UY+p8rPaLJ/uYpOxDykes=.sha256

@Alanna in answer to your question about which wallet Pamela was speaking about it was Copay

to be fair, it is more user friendly than electrum... we should consider trial running it...

@dan %K6XWY5KZYpbj5JzyCHu7il/COpkKoWFOSYdW4l8oylM=.sha256

@kieran @kieran-two here is the book to read!

@mix %TkfYmb1W3dKy18pHhfVlpjtl95qLhLXGNj/fVmBZMf0=.sha256

Reference : Alanna and Dan try Copay : %dsJ8FG1...

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