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@Hendrik Peter %aY8rwxu4hHhul++Oxvy27M24CjGVS0g3n7zpWmQ0P/o=.sha256

The late spring has been extremely nice here in Norrland. I really love the color back on everything after the long winter we had up here.

The little city of Sundsvall at 23:00 last monday

Heading back from the lake last Sunday

I'll post links to high-res pics as soon as the local gov here approves of the aerial pics I took with lotsa horizon in them.

@Soapy mcSoap %PBZIMdDBmm7dFVuni1E+cJfnUCn7EXgwWAAPByeraRs=.sha256

you need local gov approval to post pics? :-O

Oh, the photos are awesome, I love the colours too.

@Daan Patchwork %RIEO1LvNt5mFTEOnRE/fjt+bCRtyn93K23/9O6vFVhQ=.sha256

you need local gov approval to post pics? :-O

yeah I'd also like to know what that is about 🙈

@Hendrik Peter %2/G+m122TSMyNH8QwPUCK/8aZZNrQJP6xgF5g9848lE=.sha256
lotsa fun.

@Daan Patchwork %aIeJRu5rE8G2ddGWkSl3oZMeecjiJya+CBR9yrM8Awg=.sha256

Wowowow, I hope people flood them with requests... any horizon requires permission?! Wouldn't that include your first picture up there? 😆

@snufkin (yes it's me) %81Er4P5Xnl2K2osGEEi5RWF4UvOTYUXTJy6KWvCKqxg=.sha256
Voted The late spring has been extremely nice here in Norrland. I really love the
@Hendrik Peter %ZmAvCINNcz+zBylWRWhAPfgSQlCl4xVpXT/4HlqVYSk=.sha256

I scaled it down and scrambled some things out of the way. the original pic sits at 40mb (allowing you to see individual cars driving on the other side of the valley. I'll not post those pics till I get the green light.

@Hendrik Peter %EYJ47/sywatpGJQH41d5w+CFYmkuD4EZXt29xr0gb78=.sha256

Permission is in, photos are up at

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