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@cryptix %bL2Caj3q6kOgKPLqzr3mGRZ/XwqQb35wbytbLnTOZ4c=.sha256
Re: %VcB0Bt+MY

Also very much in favor of this!

For #go-ssb we already have basic interop tests. They run when you use go test -tags interop_nodejs

I wanted to add this flavor of tests to our #golang sbot but couldn't figure out a good setup yet(*) yet but I didn't so far because I wanted to make feature progress first and felt like there should be something I can reuse. I'm not sure if @arj CI-work maybe already has something for this that could easily be ported.

Coverage-wise I'd also argue to do the network layer first. There is a lot of stuff in there. The ssb-validates suite would also be very handy if it could be used as a suite. I'd say lets go for basic feed replication, blobs and maybe invite mechanics.

re setup: Ideally I want a lot of scenarios. (un)followed, blocked, forked feeds... Do I fill the js node first? How do I signal completion without timer madness (could add muxprc methods for this).

ps: yikes.. I just stombled over the old shs1-testsuite branch on secrethandshake.. I thouhght I'd completed this already.

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