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@Planetary (old account) %bgvgKRbHT7cFO2a7lc8za+XJsJLgHtvx1szLzGOh96I=.sha256
Re: %kXEXGmyNy

@Danie: Good questions.

  • This is an #ssb / #scuttlebutt app, client isn't quite the word as planetary is both an client and a server node in the peer to peer network, a full implementation. It supports most of what other scuttlebutt apps also support, but our implementation is based on #gossb in go and so we're still working on things like EBT, out of order messages, and encrypted groups.

  • The ability to cross sign content for multiple devices in scuttlebutt is called #sameas and although it's supported in the js stack and the #ahau implementation, it's not yet supported in 3patchwork, #manyverse, or #planetary. It's in the roadmap, but dependent on resources. As an open source projects we welcome code contributions.

  • You can get your profile secret keys from the advanced settings. Manyverse has a words way of encoding it similar to ethereum and bitcoin, we don't support generating / reading that format yet, but again, code contributions would be more than welcome, we want to support it. What you can do is move your #patchwork, #patchfox, #oasis identity in to and out of Planetary. You can also have multiple identities in your single planetary install.

  • Right now planetary is iOS only but we've got compatible ssb apps for many platforms. It should be pretty easy to compile for OSX but it requires digging in to how to make gomobile build correctly, again, this is a concrete bit of code which many developers could take on. In terms of Android, we're a native app, so the front end UI would have to be redone, but much of the peer to peer parts and the db is reusable, it's work to get planetary supported on Android.

Thanks so much for reaching out and writing about what we're doing.

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