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@Planetary (old account) %kXEXGmyNyo+uKkcySMwghVKpvRmgxb6u9RBFZYrY4BM=.sha256

Getting Ready To Launch

We're in the final stages of the public launch for Planetary. This is a major milestone for us. The app isn't perfect, but we do feel it's ready to get out there. In order to get some attention around it, it'd be really awesome if folks in the #scuttlebutt community could help post about it, on the fediverse, twitter, blogs, and if you could give us a comment and upvote on producthunt that would help a lot too.

Planetary Screenshot
Planetary Screenshot
Planetary Screenshot

I want to take the time to thank everybody who's worked on this and helped us along the way. First off @Dominic for creating scuttlebutt. To @Christian Bundy, @cryptix, @Sebastian Heit, @Martin, @Kris, @Rabble, @Tom Coates and christoph moskalonek who worked on this. We'd also like to thank @cinnamon, @Hendrik Peter, @keks, and @Tanuva for their contributions of code and research.

This has been a long time coming, and there's of course a bunch more to do. In particular ssb community members like @mixmix, @Alanna, @andrestaltz, @SoapDog, @zelf, @mikey, @Aljoscha, @arj, [@cel], @cft (@f/6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulDxDCwYD7DzFzPNr7u5AU=.ed25519), @Connor, @dangerousbeans, @dan hassan, @kieran, @mnin, @Matt McKegg, @Kira, @Piet, @Powersource, @regular, @Zach, and many others.

If you want to test the last beta release before we go public, open on an iOS device.

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@Rabble %yqs7aPJjGT4kboVM+Q/zjj3bUbPJnmO4pYon8QLmVwk=.sha256

Henning Jacobs we’ll get a desktop Mac app pretty soon, it’s a matter of adjusting the make files so we can cross compile more easily. And Android app would be dependent on additional funding.

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@mix %4fAoMitV6CK0IkbS6qb5RiJ80tYdGekdvD2CQZWRuug=.sha256
Voted ## Getting Ready To Launch We're in the final stages of the public launch
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@ccarfi %SoWCitPUzBIkv1L+eY4e2Z74NtY5MO9g4e/5M9jaRLQ=.sha256
Voted ## Getting Ready To Launch We're in the final stages of the public launch
@tandem %2x4pbzKEYJTukSYsOc36fTAvMobF5beFbkEYlFxCtJA=.sha256
Voted ## Getting Ready To Launch We're in the final stages of the public launch
@Chris %ZfI/v813keVrgGTVvLpJbaohZiOXPXXAS5s77SAZteY=.sha256
Voted ## Getting Ready To Launch We're in the final stages of the public launch
@Stuart Bridgett %p78zHoNNnkHLjnyQFwDtSP6iqM+VSyzMob/OMBTUSEk=.sha256
Voted ## Getting Ready To Launch We're in the final stages of the public launch
@Sarah %zWCVif83PgojB9S9FEI+snmduvD4Bi47wJtNUMzPcao=.sha256
Voted ## Getting Ready To Launch We're in the final stages of the public launch
@Sarah %QfRrTAPSMhyTfmgEQqGmfZj1u2r6G9UIN/k4FTWrtvQ=.sha256

Congrats all! Huge milestone.

@bengo %+doWBPpj9eph1q7tMEWCnvF6Wg3oOEP+G9HY2tBu5QE=.sha256


@Toul %9FjWlvnHo3sGoH8Ev/E6nmresJL5n2Tx60zSWhB9fJU=.sha256

I’ve been looking for something like this app

@Danie %qPiCAdjucs3F0COBYHAUPk5Q7Q9ucDTqy1v58d0Ql7M=.sha256

See lots of folks asking the same questions I had, so we really do need some sort of summary around:

  • Is is another #ssb client ie. it will interface fine with exiting #ssb posts here? Seems so yes from some responses.
  • It will create a separate profile of its own much like Manyverse does? Seems so yes.
  • Can I migrate my profile/data elsewhere if needed? Maybe not right now?
  • Is it iOS only or are there desktop, Android versions? I pick up iOS only?

@Planetary I just ask because if I'm going to blog about it I like to give the full context. Looks very good though so am interested where it stand now with regards to the above, and where it's planning to go this year.

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@Planetary (old account) %bgvgKRbHT7cFO2a7lc8za+XJsJLgHtvx1szLzGOh96I=.sha256

@Danie: Good questions.

  • This is an #ssb / #scuttlebutt app, client isn't quite the word as planetary is both an client and a server node in the peer to peer network, a full implementation. It supports most of what other scuttlebutt apps also support, but our implementation is based on #gossb in go and so we're still working on things like EBT, out of order messages, and encrypted groups.

  • The ability to cross sign content for multiple devices in scuttlebutt is called #sameas and although it's supported in the js stack and the #ahau implementation, it's not yet supported in 3patchwork, #manyverse, or #planetary. It's in the roadmap, but dependent on resources. As an open source projects we welcome code contributions.

  • You can get your profile secret keys from the advanced settings. Manyverse has a words way of encoding it similar to ethereum and bitcoin, we don't support generating / reading that format yet, but again, code contributions would be more than welcome, we want to support it. What you can do is move your #patchwork, #patchfox, #oasis identity in to and out of Planetary. You can also have multiple identities in your single planetary install.

  • Right now planetary is iOS only but we've got compatible ssb apps for many platforms. It should be pretty easy to compile for OSX but it requires digging in to how to make gomobile build correctly, again, this is a concrete bit of code which many developers could take on. In terms of Android, we're a native app, so the front end UI would have to be redone, but much of the peer to peer parts and the db is reusable, it's work to get planetary supported on Android.

Thanks so much for reaching out and writing about what we're doing.

@Danie %5NDmwOcTrx1rmwdGcezY81X0py2OyhYiIZhHZzu2QVo=.sha256

Great thanks for the comprehensive response - sounds like it is certainly going places and I'll certainly write about highlighting right now it's ready for iOS.

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@Golda %7kEgl0iG0m3JmkTIvZKaFTA5WDXzfrVLqBZy1H2epEg=.sha256

fantastic! excited to be here for it

@Pete %lbDFPAVxdLSLPUiEi34MjRO9fwkWrHeZTvjpgzk5c18=.sha256

Thank you for making this App! 😀

@Don Cathey %361+goI9fiTGY8Nw4T/c3HHz1U4SrO+HOfTMC0/Ie3w=.sha256

Ready for a change

@ElectrochemicalApe %dYT585LvRdfgIH92hl7OE/Bhr8EJCcOKOlC4tNdne7w=.sha256

Hey guys, when’s the launch?

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@Johne %E1yzGdUSc885VG2v5kvrieuABhUKYjVemN872e6RLsQ=.sha256

Hi all! Excited to see where we go!

@ChrisBeach %u6/U5HSPIrJy+toX9sdexVxkyf7RnEUNpx2c43BVF8I=.sha256
Voted ## Getting Ready To Launch We're in the final stages of the public launch
@Teppie %44C3Vu4pM0pztiesvDFCiNUDtn1h2MTsPPFmt5dirXE=.sha256
Voted ## Getting Ready To Launch We're in the final stages of the public launch
@Shane Raynor [phone] %6SK9JETueYeEjFhLceTlkbH6u+FeiW32Ybhbgi+gDtU=.sha256
Voted ## Getting Ready To Launch We're in the final stages of the public launch
@Rabble %YkpT/6xLHTTzwd/iIYdkpKnzcOGp0CMUqbtZ0tGe0ZE=.sha256

ElectrochemicalApe it’s already in the AppStore.

@Rabble %wfFGSPBPYmH/Z+b41wUoL0L2hrPIAj7C4Wj4w0NdzpU=.sha256

Hey @Johnneylee I've done some contributions to open collectives related to SSB... but we also spent like $20k USD on getting people to the #scuttlecamp in New Zealand plus about a half a million dollars on paying developers to do open source work on the SSB stack. Some of which is on planetary's github but a bunch of which is just directly added to other projects.

Personally i've also been an ongoing contributor to several ssb related open collective projects.

Screen Shot 2021-01-16 at 11.00.45 AM.png

I don't see you there on that list, but maybe you're contributing anonymously. I'm not sure who's blocking me, but i respect their choices about what they want to see in their feeds.

@Theresa Anderson %+uWvUqwOcQxRBrigzop7k7q4BDR+UJwZGHiliZHhwCQ=.sha256

Hi I am also excited to of found this app and see where this app goes. I will be telling friends about it.

@Nidhish %ilo9taJgmisQurLwYNAxPcWyz7OU3wZ79prHtbDzT84=.sha256
Voted ## Getting Ready To Launch We're in the final stages of the public launch
@Suzette %LMBphql+MS5B4+m8+FcmLD2LOMJgpsvPLI/HdC/9P9o=.sha256

Super excited to not be censored! Thank you

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@Rabble %PQsyb3GfrMAcURcrXRO3/oYefY2hJEtuiIVk5o3E2SU=.sha256

rathantara you can build it from source and install it with Xcode. I know there are jailbreak AppStores for iOS and would love help figuring out how to build and distribute the app beyond apple’s official channels.

@Golda %m3U7niyacfseCNVkgKXT8mXrhTD5c+ZUNcETfTiF810=.sha256
Voted ## Getting Ready To Launch We're in the final stages of the public launch
@John Goerzen (Tablet 2) %Z0eCUkUqVcEkp5YyMG16B3eb60LtFHAgsemj4bxEmb8=.sha256

Hi! Just installed the app. Question about pubs. There are two planetary pubs listed in the settings menu, and both say that Planetary users should have invites to them. Neither appear to be connected. Where do I get those invites? Thanks!

@Andy Laken %vx2XqvkqY8USUdp2mi0QyJxHe/kHBNWHQ8MMyM3yNls=.sha256
Voted ## Getting Ready To Launch We're in the final stages of the public launch
@Golda %dUxsgJ8SI8JchUH5K9f2QJtBPGA8KLNsf9VUrrXgea0=.sha256

btw do we have search?

@Golda %uK17cDEpO4WvgYcCZzmzkodg0cvnwikDs/RvOV898kw=.sha256

will upvote at product hunt! i looked for news about planetary on linked in but i couldnt find it?

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@Bob Griffin %nWOOX6Blnxz+4XvARM6MF8p0ZCdjlH2FjeVnPNQB/e0=.sha256

How much funding is needed?

@Teo %ts+2KVJYFcHw0q7ev6Gf7NRenWjNhdvmpfoHuQLZMI0=.sha256


@Rabble %JGh2vfrQ3RMlZXo+HalByWm68ZmzlglwoBs64GP4Uzc=.sha256

Bob Griffin we can continue with the team for about $15k a month. With double that we could start on Android and web.

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