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@Planetary (old account) %gPlKwPidgTOAyNSqRprr1UMaSN8s/lmxYQxtpSpwY/A=.sha256

Planetary in AppStore

Planetary is now released and can be installed directly installed via the apple appstore.

In order to help people find communities of like minded people we're setting up themed pubs which we'll suggest people join.

The first two are:

  • Crypto / Blockchain:
  • Free Libre Open Source:

In planetary you can take those invites, copy the invite code, go to settings, manage pubs, redeem invite. We'll be adding this to the onboarding flow with future releases.

We're also looking at what other pubs make sense, one for ssb dev's i think, one for #solarpunk, #activism, but it'd be interesting to see pub's (and rooms when we support them) focused on not just relaying messages but really living up to the idea of a place to get together and meet with like minded people.


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@inoas-planetary %70VwYbRcSe2X/r33DYh2bmdr0n5pltyE00K+HV9Lpf0=.sha256

Hello from pöanetary <3

@inoas-planetary %WWXGeG2yX2n2Ks3/oiaDhurd2eb4p+g0xEuF3imri2w=.sha256

Hello from planetary!

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@cryPhone📱 %QTa9Lc9EGLN0ib1lkD0/FiuRdGzLEvmwtbmzq6DEBpY=.sha256

Why can’t in unfollow your pubs and use my own?

If you didn’t make substantial changes to the code, which I’m not seeing, your “themed pub” idea doesn’t work like you announced it. All I do see is badly commented out code...

@Shane Raynor [phone] %Zo7aMnact7dAR/ibBRY/mjsU+JMfA6xr/SEjXSljO9g=.sha256

Awesome app! I’m looking forward to seeing this network take off. I love the open source and decentralization. Question: I’m guessing this is a one device installation at a time app by design. Does Scuttlebutt allow for single accounts on multiple devices or does that run counter to the “I own my data” relay nature of the protocol?

@Planetary (old account) %FJ0KWQYm3yxEFRrxI8YV3q4g3NsDbI4wwkH/C6Cdgjo=.sha256

@Shane Raynor [phone] there's support coming for editing content and multiple accounts cross signing to have a single identity. You can see it in the work @mixmix has been doing around this. We are also looking forward to supporting private groups which has been designed and developed but the implementation hasn't been rolled in to Planetary yet.

@Jordan %2y5CNttFQQlPisyHJ7LA/nrmmA3TFC7/hWHLUTABVIU=.sha256
Voted ### Planetary in AppStore Planetary is now released and can be installed d
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@Stuart Bridgett %0Y9T93ul3FMR7/ZHTzx197jmT6EzLia6IuniIMthEaA=.sha256
Voted ### Planetary in AppStore Planetary is now released and can be installed d
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@Mike Hales %vW7a4Fhh3iHtK9J3Gwd7wEET5OD3xNQCiGscBGroX2E=.sha256

Search Planetary Social in NZ iOS store

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@Danie (moved) %TE7IYjomEQxdZPI9Qr/H/LTWHnkxA8a5NtMFcbhvddU=.sha256
Voted ### Planetary in AppStore Planetary is now released and can be installed d
@WhiteMarley %MkXtPYe84LSNxk/TC2tcjf5/gmhdLsWPMGiqV5i1JA4=.sha256
Voted ### Planetary in AppStore Planetary is now released and can be installed d
@Linkx86 %WDwQHbVtbuzroaKpM6T1DemdANHA83UcRB5bcLty1bU=.sha256
Voted ### Planetary in AppStore Planetary is now released and can be installed d
@Linkx86 %Je1xv4VusrTLGH1u0Qmok5d/AH4qmiwd8oywFBBbpBE=.sha256
Voted ### Planetary in AppStore Planetary is now released and can be installed d
@Linkx86 %M03Ct/NEF/l9iWD+tJLpdwJW2s5+rkEbbOmM/sSs6/0=.sha256
Voted ### Planetary in AppStore Planetary is now released and can be installed d
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