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@cryPhone📱 %QTa9Lc9EGLN0ib1lkD0/FiuRdGzLEvmwtbmzq6DEBpY=.sha256
Re: %gPlKwPidg

Why can’t in unfollow your pubs and use my own?

If you didn’t make substantial changes to the code, which I’m not seeing, your “themed pub” idea doesn’t work like you announced it. All I do see is badly commented out code...

@Rabble %lP/EAqZW1L22DEIDrIaXWwO52Flhw9+/T2MTjzARQjY=.sha256

yeah, that's a bug and we're going try and get it fixed.

I see a few things which should change.

First let users unfollow pubs, see which pubs they're following, get a list of pubs based on their community interest and own governance rules, and also probably choose to not redeem invites to any planetary pubs at all. Right now the app auto-follows the pubs, not just redeeming invites, that should probably change.

Then of course there's all the amazing work you've done around private groups, ebt, etc... which would be good to incorporate. That's probably more work, and ideally your feedback on when it makes sense to do it.

@cryPhone📱 %+/bUbiBAinDYiBnfMCnXTEkM3NxamszYvHdN9pkGWbw=.sha256

I don’t know how to interact with you anymore.. there is a million things I’d like to see being contributed. Your guys know how to make patches, I’m sure. Just send them in and don’t bore me with _should be done_s.

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