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@Danie %qPiCAdjucs3F0COBYHAUPk5Q7Q9ucDTqy1v58d0Ql7M=.sha256
Re: %kXEXGmyNy

See lots of folks asking the same questions I had, so we really do need some sort of summary around:

  • Is is another #ssb client ie. it will interface fine with exiting #ssb posts here? Seems so yes from some responses.
  • It will create a separate profile of its own much like Manyverse does? Seems so yes.
  • Can I migrate my profile/data elsewhere if needed? Maybe not right now?
  • Is it iOS only or are there desktop, Android versions? I pick up iOS only?

@Planetary I just ask because if I'm going to blog about it I like to give the full context. Looks very good though so am interested where it stand now with regards to the above, and where it's planning to go this year.

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