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@mix %dF8YNwrwjN6fITgb1zhUhNO/RSmBcwwU4yTMrGAX9j8=.sha256
Re: %rGK2t/ZAf

note that loomio is more a decision catalyst than a concrete thing. e.g. it provides the opportunity to express a block in some times of proposals. What does that mean? There's no smart contract, the group is forced to decide how it decides, but the tool scaffolds you towards certain well thought out conversations.

What I love about this project is that we get many different sorts of polls all at once with the same model loomio team suggested :

  • an international meeting booking system (like doodle)
  • a dot voting system, which enables prioritisation
  • proposals for consent based systems
  • a scoring system for doing a temperature check (note we're doing this roughly at the moment in #ssbc-grants

With each of these, when you interact, you announce your stance, which is :

  • the points / single position / date
  • a reason which lets you expand on why you chose what you chose
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