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@Fred %dMxjvm1D6Y0mJGjRi77hSGDmoSI2GbzP4pSx+IrE51E=.sha256
Re: %lUBkJ2TG0
Content warning: SSB Walky/Talky Device

It is funny you talk about VoIP ;) I was just thinking about how to add this feature in scuttlebutt.
Like a Walky/Talky device made from a #RpiZero

  1. You select friend(s) you'd like to send a message to with screen & 4 buttons
  2. Microphone records when pressing a button ( listen, erase, send for other buttons)
  3. Last button is sending message + mp3 file attachment (using sbotc).
      "mentions": [
          "link": "@l5nYExWYIgDLV6BYHOJPoI97jIUyTdSm8CTLpQ0XeOg=.ed25519",
          "name": "Boris Paing"
          "link": "&Obpeh5Ax4g+hXEu7SKJ0MFipifnzx3IMjEjVfEsNFl4=.sha256",
          "name": "audio:2020_0228_1501.mp3",
          "type": "audio/mpeg",
          "size": 123359

Another same device will be able to detect received mp3 and play it
I think I could have that hardware available in my lab.
Price is about 50€ only

It is funny, I am sure we could play a lot with #audio and #ssb … Like a #solarpunk #phone

Anyone would like to prototype it with me?

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