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@cel %lUBkJ2TG0ln8BYJXVFPahSSgT9X/Q7ASXmIsJFMGbSA=.sha256

Referral link:

@cel %gRGZtbR1if0ILQAhRSYdTSk6xz/8/DykZL3bhG4G7jo=.sha256

I used Google Voice since when it was GrandCentral but I finally decided to port my number out. The port completed yesterday and the service is working well so far. I have calls forwarding to both my cell phone and a SIP account, with voicemails going to my email.

I found these links useful:

@Christian Bundy %H1Gr0+UZgbES2LnCcHyZkxoHIpq+Js4KPlkNR6xiJNI=.sha256


Interesting, thanks for the link. How does this compare to something like Twilio? I've used it lots as a developer but lately I've been considering it for my phone number in general.

@cel %76+IESatqBXYHtNGv+ibBEFU9XkFqTXnT7tVVMxEQVE=.sha256

@Christian Bundy Similar functionality in a lot of cases but different to use. In Twilio (and also Plivo) you make applications to handle calls or texts by returning XML over HTTP. In you configure things in their site or API. So if you want to do something that isn't within their feature set, it might not be possible - except by e.g. running your own Asterisk server. But some things are ready to enable and use - like voicemail and bridging SMS to email and SIP. Also allows CNAM update (updating your caller id name in the carrier's database) which I'm not sure if can usually be done with other services.

Also I am excited about using the SMS Android app. Unfortunately the F-Droid version doesn't have push functionality - it depends on polling - but I am hoping that in conjunction with email SMS notifications it will prove servicable.

More info:

@xj9 %oS6BzZZPZweDngZgu2wNK6MU2VV+5azzFWYCXsK/sXg=.sha256

i'm currently using, i think conversations just makes a persistent connection to my xmpp server so i get notified pretty much immediately. also supports SIP which i connect to with linphone (sadly, no TLS yet). i believe there's a conversations fork coming in the future that will integrate with so you can do voice and text all in one application.

@Fred %dMxjvm1D6Y0mJGjRi77hSGDmoSI2GbzP4pSx+IrE51E=.sha256
Content warning: SSB Walky/Talky Device

It is funny you talk about VoIP ;) I was just thinking about how to add this feature in scuttlebutt.
Like a Walky/Talky device made from a #RpiZero

  1. You select friend(s) you'd like to send a message to with screen & 4 buttons
  2. Microphone records when pressing a button ( listen, erase, send for other buttons)
  3. Last button is sending message + mp3 file attachment (using sbotc).
      "mentions": [
          "link": "@l5nYExWYIgDLV6BYHOJPoI97jIUyTdSm8CTLpQ0XeOg=.ed25519",
          "name": "Boris Paing"
          "link": "&Obpeh5Ax4g+hXEu7SKJ0MFipifnzx3IMjEjVfEsNFl4=.sha256",
          "name": "audio:2020_0228_1501.mp3",
          "type": "audio/mpeg",
          "size": 123359

Another same device will be able to detect received mp3 and play it
I think I could have that hardware available in my lab.
Price is about 50€ only

It is funny, I am sure we could play a lot with #audio and #ssb … Like a #solarpunk #phone

Anyone would like to prototype it with me?

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@Fred %lrnJzI7LS9TBQIWi7y/vEZv+HsvGJJkkznE7e11tr60=.sha256

@sean yeah it is the same will.
I wish to package tools for a fancy network working without internet, and easy to self replicate. #tomeshnet approach is interesting.

As notice in #huiom experiment, p2p DApp drains battery quickly. And actual nodejs ssb-server is a bit too heavy to use on small devices.
go and rust implementation are coming? Do you have details, links on it...

SSB personal versatile blockchain and gossip network approach is the way to build the next Internet.
I wish to build #astroport a self replicating structure with ssb + ipfs + duniter + minetest and migrate all my computers with that #fat-protocol layer where I can backup my Web2.0 favorites before deconnecting from my Internet provider.
Making a voice machine is one of plenty cool and fun things it could do.

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User has not chosen to be hosted publicly
@cel %klo11YkxbciUb8PC5zJ2zSyh3eMayI+2WN71LoYYB8Y=.sha256

I'll also mention CallWithUs. I used them as a SIP provider since 2007. Their interface is about the same now as it was then (A2Billing). It's no-frills, non-marketingy, works well and cheap. They accept cryptocurrency via Coinbase also. They no longer offer DIDs but recommend a separate DID provider like Virtualphoneline or DIDWW. No SMS but the DID provider might provide that.

@Fred %MUG9EbCcXFQDT9097MXHNY8M8x4bm1M3UivL3TXpQtQ=.sha256

@sean great list!! Did you tried some? @cel sbotc should be compatible with any?

I ma going to try them... I cannot figure out how to compile #go-ssb yet ? Is there x64 or arm releases somewhere?

@Mayel %ejrnoivt9zQLPNxMeWIfHb6QxdXuJnWl/TY64bB6eYs=.sha256

@cel I've signed up but the're asking for a scan of my government ID to open an account. Was that your experience as well?

@cel %cVPhWvwqxrVQJFgZtTx0pOI4YopghAe1pQ9taKyav+A=.sha256

@Mayel I don't remember, it's been too long since I signed up. I can't find anything in my settings about it.

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