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@mikey %buttVE9QwY2bojfgrtR6WxApC9dWoWLNKVI0hNuFxy8=.sha256
Voted [@Fred](@9BbJwPDjcyIqrOUPNn0nJZBduWdIrpMk3Cjz5MP361s=.ed25519) #go-ssb htt
@Mayel %ucOErL9Tpw/n0WoVbsieLkPYNpZhFMeup3sfM9OS3Jc=.sha256
Voted @Mayel I don't remember, it's been too long since I signed up. I can't find
@cel %cVPhWvwqxrVQJFgZtTx0pOI4YopghAe1pQ9taKyav+A=.sha256
Re: %lUBkJ2TG0

@Mayel I don't remember, it's been too long since I signed up. I can't find anything in my settings about it.

@Mayel %ejrnoivt9zQLPNxMeWIfHb6QxdXuJnWl/TY64bB6eYs=.sha256
Re: %lUBkJ2TG0

@cel I've signed up but the're asking for a scan of my government ID to open an account. Was that your experience as well?

@Fred %MUG9EbCcXFQDT9097MXHNY8M8x4bm1M3UivL3TXpQtQ=.sha256
Re: %lUBkJ2TG0

@sean great list!! Did you tried some? @cel sbotc should be compatible with any?

I ma going to try them... I cannot figure out how to compile #go-ssb yet ? Is there x64 or arm releases somewhere?

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@Fred %rjujhUrHlveEXZwT59YfIIxDiuIAjU17iXJUupgnFOY=.sha256
Voted [@Fred](@9BbJwPDjcyIqrOUPNn0nJZBduWdIrpMk3Cjz5MP361s=.ed25519) #go-ssb htt

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