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@cel %76+IESatqBXYHtNGv+ibBEFU9XkFqTXnT7tVVMxEQVE=.sha256
Re: %lUBkJ2TG0

@Christian Bundy Similar functionality in a lot of cases but different to use. In Twilio (and also Plivo) you make applications to handle calls or texts by returning XML over HTTP. In you configure things in their site or API. So if you want to do something that isn't within their feature set, it might not be possible - except by e.g. running your own Asterisk server. But some things are ready to enable and use - like voicemail and bridging SMS to email and SIP. Also allows CNAM update (updating your caller id name in the carrier's database) which I'm not sure if can usually be done with other services.

Also I am excited about using the SMS Android app. Unfortunately the F-Droid version doesn't have push functionality - it depends on polling - but I am hoping that in conjunction with email SMS notifications it will prove servicable.

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