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@tim %dyawrh0uhBtc2rbTnqmZpH6DeBGGVALVhea/zcruscc=.sha256
Re: %SXpL4ZR1l

Screen Shot 2017-11-19 at 19.14.37.png

I've had a quick play with implementing this and I've been pleasantly surprised so far to see that my previous fear may have been wrong. Within a limited community, it feels genuinely meaningful to see icons of people who have dug a post rather than a count of likes. I think maybe I'm burned out seeing twitter posts with 20K likes (not my own, I hasten to add!) As long as we keep our communities small maybe it is in fact more pleasant to make these interactions more immediately visible? I am also assuming that we simply will not see likes from people outside our FOAF networks - although I guess ssb-ooo may change that?

The view raw message cog looks ugly next to the faces and I haven't worked out yet how to put them in a different position but I'm still playing and wanted to share my change of mind and an actual screengrab.

@mix I'm enjoying trying to work it for myself at the moment but please may I take you up on your offer when (not if!) I get stuck?

Note if someone else wants this in a hurry, I am going to be very slow and am perfectly happy not to be the roadblock and to step aside and let someone who can do this quickly take over.

@Anders %Zd5Kl0a0FzDRf+Eyb5i+iNkp322SjY4j/JoZbVE6KYw=.sha256

I like this!

@tim %VLh6oXMeEc+KTuRnYXuO8a4JzXWS5WCO5IEXgRj5Klw=.sha256

I can see that @arj ;)

Screen Shot 2017-11-19 at 20.09.07.png

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