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@Anders %4/Z0UYF/U3g+vaga66moY2mQMvuIIT0y8R4j3h7RMnQ=.sha256

Wow awesome stuff! :rocket: Just had a look and I think some of the nice illustrations and explanations can be reused in the user guide. Like e.g. the follow graph illustration.

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@Dominic %WGxbxVtP2osSbe+b1LB9AZ14ctRa/7Xy8DqXQhboiHY=.sha256

Now that we have these great docs for the protocol, we need to keep them accurate.
Therefore proposed changes to the protocol should be represented as Pull Requests to the protocol documentation.

I must also say that I am personally quite thrilled that you spent the grant money on a boat!

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@Gordon %rIJ3Q9gxD46BkbCg0HmSiR/lib0ls2xGHHxfTEH900E=.sha256

@vtduncan wow. absolutely beautiful documentation :).

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@Dominic %fFBGx4sdoGKKTfiE2R4elADRi7+Xzoyi70g37cAyg9Q=.sha256

@vtduncan wow, what a pain in the git!

Btw, did you hand-write the source as html? it looks like markdown (with occasional html for tables) would be convienient...

I am thinking about process for governing changes to the protocol - i.e. submitting improvement proposals - even if "acceptance" just means enough implementers implement the change, you still want clear specs. Also, since more than one proposer might be working on proposals concurrently, we want these to merge cleanly, and not have css conflicts.

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@mix %lePn5QYGWQ3Zr5SiLR3FTbHZtiZGlAxawtjICpVa1wg=.sha256

hey @duncan your website seems to be down, can you link out to the git repos where this lives?


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