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@mix %fY+1TWb0JzuT7mJRUfcBymL8GmfqyI23zANwpL5KfPE=.sha256

at the enspiral retreat. we've had some interesting conversations so far today about meaning - as in what's the point of this community, does there need to be one, and given the current political climate should we be mobilising or playing a long game.

other interesting topics:

  • reframing conflict, exploring outstanding conflicts in our community
  • inter-subjectivity (didn't go to that conversation, figure of got enough already?)
  • @mikey hosting a conversation on pods (see phyles, livlihood groups)
  • @jessykate hosting a live-stream of her partner launching satellites
  • @don and I talking about the challenges of the business we're in together

I'll post some photos sometime soon

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@mix %kQquRZFMCVAH08cTfTH81JAcslQWuBeQ5kx7yPWNLkU=.sha256

mmm not sure how much info is useful there, but :

other interesting links (possibly?):

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@mix %jsmJgFaExT1xk5l4huYEOEC2gX2yNxCMNq20sApWK38=.sha256

Can you ask for the specific expansions you're looking for @bobhaugen - I could expand all of them, but would rather build more patchbay if you're only interested in some of them? :heart:

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@mix %lsImKXQPBTfdUpjBXWSIxIqN9z1f4fyAzvc37qQ4Kkk=.sha256

Here's some of the people I've been working alongside for the past 5 years :



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