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@Jacob %ftHCQ/2PvWjys7KKH2oO7PwMMj+aAXFXn7/pryultJI=.sha256

SSB First Aid Kit 1.3


Download 1.3 here


A user-friendly app for diagnosing and fixing problems with your Scuttlebutt installation


  • See if this app can connect to a running client.
  • See the status of your database (flumedb) indexes.
  • See the status of other clients replicating you (using ebt)
  • A button for deleting your database indexes if they seem stuck or broken.

Like I mentioned in my dev diary:

Pretty happy where the app is at now. No major missing stuff. Which is nice since the second funding block is just about to end. There are some features I can think of to add but this might be a good point to let people play with it and see where it’s lacking and could help more, rather than just to put random new features into it.

So I'm not gonna be working much on it now. If anyone wants to contribute to it, contact @mix for help getting started.

A thing I'd like help with is for Mac and Windows people to try out the "Delete indexes" button. It works for me on Linux, and it should work cross-platform, but it would be nice to have someone test and confirm that it works.

And general feedback would be nice, like what parts help you, what features do you miss and so on :)


@Anders %Ruv5+qpgNp/hAXlUANWwqvtAf7yqtIXRN1M0nMw8ptE=.sha256
Voted # SSB First Aid Kit 1.3 ![image.png](&MdDNTMvdoWL7gkZpjK5zzNVdUt/pr3/UPXOc
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@mix %+kY+EKjMXLhzZtTVu+3TFp/bjMAQ4VHPA4cM9TL8rco=.sha256
Voted # SSB First Aid Kit 1.3 ![image.png](&MdDNTMvdoWL7gkZpjK5zzNVdUt/pr3/UPXOc
@mix %fretKwY8zLDX5fjhy0fJXxrLwTWfdLRiiYli/y0TXKo=.sha256
Voted [@Powersource](@Vz6v3xKpzViiTM/GAe+hKkACZSqrErQQZgv4iqQxEn8=.ed25519) Congr
@mix %IPRI5dv7PMahkREKViJhg6NHiLvoNi5Ihxit4a4y8kY=.sha256

Hooray, learning !

@SoapDog (SPX) re those requests, these aren't things which are in scope at the moment. If you think they'll be quick to add (couple hours) I'd be happy to fund you to do those through maintenance fund. Otherwise, we'll wait for people to request those offerings <3.

@Jacob %+YyRqsVm1mKSAxlgcntmbZNemKKX4PZGMBPLHuicxl0=.sha256

caleb (idk his id on here) helped test the index deletion (see link in the post above) on mac and it worked, nice! Can someone test it on windows? @SoapDog (SPX) @cblgh mb

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@Jacob %M/buImX4sMwOdThyBlrSe7bpzRkAVfI84fiGOaxFDTE=.sha256

@SoapDog (SPX) Thanks! Just start the app and click on the button that says it will delete your indexes. I think it should work, but you might want to backup your .ssb/ to be on the safe side :)

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@mix %eglEe1ryvMwxg2fGff50X7xwhdWaUha8Pbx1tSUyA0Y=.sha256

I think we mainly want to know if x64 works at the moment @SoapDog (SPX). Appreciate you're using ia32, but I think given this is targeted specifically at non-developers, I think this is an ok assumption.

(Also gentle reminder that Jacob isn't the maintainer for this right now - his piece of work getting this up and running is done. Anyone is welcome to contribute to it and contact me directly on scuttlebutt about things)

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@Jacob %vO2ScQjC3hskGA2DBlPBvlbSPJwGv5rhYJCCKrffU5M=.sha256

@SoapDog (SPX) Can you try following the steps in ? I don't know I've ever run it with npm start, hehe, should maybe just remove that.

If you start your client again you should notice if the indexes are gone. And yeah the feedback is too minimal, I added a spinner for while it's deleting but the deletion is mostly instant :P

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@Jacob %YvIFpyFtR13YUovYDc80cFkxUaC9UpQukc5JXQy7QVg=.sha256

@SoapDog (SPX)

but it didn’t start any electron process here

Yeah it's supposed to start one. But so far I'll consider windows unsupported to develop on :p

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