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@mix %eXHnwI5p91yiI8ITUIwpKjN7r5vnEx+QtM7DHDed5A8=.sha256

This is also being discussed over in this Special Bulletin thread.

I guess that the timeline on this is now to short (closes is 2-3 days).

@mix %rWeRwl88cz1f9LxH3Lrwc5gfNHWVcApy5+9xoWv091U=.sha256

Here's another grant with more time till it's due : %s9MG8jd...

@cel %o7JA0lq2J39Mu2T2K+ttFqfEPzkPudpyTb/JX7Mb80M=.sha256

If anyone here is qualified to submit for this in the next 63 hours and wants help doing so, I am available. cc @gmarcos87

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@SoapDog %f2b+TsqB/1w+EA9DlPv2mwg+0QmpsYcMORqI/hRm+b8=.sha256

@rabble I've worked in funded projects before. My project was a grantee of Ford Foundation. I am sorry to arrive late on this discussion, it is almost the deadline already. Is there any part of the project submission that you're feeling blocked with or want a second pair of eyes?

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@mix %MAbgFHDuDtqCLmkY8nE2snMlk055RpFD3sSOMAvOV+A=.sha256

awesome ! I'm really impressed, that was a formidible application.

Wow that's a 2016 video... that's Patchwork Classic! Glad it was useful anyway. Also good to know that this sort of video is accessible and useful

@dan %NQV7uvtNH1n/n/pzpPGEpQywQZRjrGPepgzd++cOciE=.sha256


Could you ball park how many hours went into planning, coordinating, writing and then submitting this application took?

Gathering this type of data atm for:

Submitting an Application to #ssb-grants for External Grant Writing

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@dan %N38sEjqYKFh+vbEKTAOMY+n7O2Yn3vwMvpQWaNzC0Sk=.sha256

Thanks rabble.

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