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@Dominic %h9u52TFI7mBzVm1Mge9ZmzufNHR/WO8XSNbs2hxzP/c=.sha256


This is a new sbot plugin, ssb-proc, that adds a section to sbot status telling you about how memory, cpu, and network data is being used on your sbot process. Short term, I hope to use this to debug my pub!

Anyone interested in managing pubs and perf? @arj @dinosaur @ev

@Anders %NqIoOiu+TyB7hmPxTCWu3NTYbvXJCLuWvd+RYf13e94=.sha256

Yes. After updating level-post my pub it seems more stable. But it still seems to get stuck sometimes so I'm left with the kill script still. There is a few things I'd like to look into before debugging pubs, so please do share if you find anything interesting. And thanks for this, looks like a good starting point.

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