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@Hendrik Peter %hC4s1MwcXvapCKyu8eL7RrJvAUcoBOyXMgn4uMKN3sE=.sha256

I don't know who to tag here (@Jacob?), but could the text in step 3 on be changed to:

Since Scuttlebutt is a decentralized, peer-to-peer network, itโ€™s up to you to decide what content to download and share.

The easiest way to try it all out is to join an online Room; ask someone you know for a room invite! You can also follow friends directly by exchanging keys.

Go to the list of Room servers, and get an invite code from one.

I'll happily open a pull-req if this site has a Github repo ;)

Rooms seem to be a tad more onboard-friendly then pubs are (initial sync wise) so probably not a bad idea to point new users there instead of to pubs.

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@Hendrik Peter %y5+84UtcMbF1QfRMgpygXa4Y8y5dwuSN+kpmad6Axr4=.sha256

Thanks @many cryptix. Pull request is up:

@Hendrik Peter %DRX7ueC3SUkJtIALzUDUvLsq8gxObfGuE/lsaB4KY2Y=.sha256

And the new site too

@cel I see you are one of the maintainers for this, can you give the pull reqs a look-see and merge them if you agree?

@Jacob %0TJMGxFZGETDRETMUj6wk1tQeF2qvFv84vBzXAZ0bnY=.sha256

@Hendrik Peter Great to be improving this, but I think it'd be good to clarify that just getting the room invite from someone won't be enough? And the "You can also follow friends directly by exchanging keys." text is old but I think is a bit misleading if it's under the "Get connected" section since doing that doesn't actually get you a network connection with the person.

@Jacob %xuNmHi7qJrSX2VLt6Q/nZRi+Z+46mC10b/Vej+GK9WI=.sha256

And like lol which of these repos is the actual one that's being used? :P

@cel-desktop %6oNM0KfyayfFiallS/POCUFb9ekHVosfU5OK99uBts0=.sha256

@Hendrik Peter thanks for making a merge request.

I think it's good to tell people about rooms in the intro. But I agree with @jacob [%0TJMGxF...] that it should be clarified that more than just joining the room is needed. Someone has to follow the new person for their content to be replicated into the network (other than being temporarily replicated by Patchwork users visiting their profile). And the new person has to follow other users in the network too, in order to replicate feeds (besides ones temporarily replicated by Patchwork upon visiting their profile). Exchanging keys with someone and following eachother should work for this purpose, assuming they are close enough in the social graph to other people in the room. Otherwise someone in the room needs to follow them and they follow someone in the room. The old (current) text is also incorrect in implying that following peers directly is enough to join the network, without having a room or pub invite or LAN connection.

If rooms are to be mentioned as the primary "easiest way" for onboarding, should pubs be mentioned also as a fallback/secondary option?

Also, can you make the commit message in the customary format? i.e. short first line, with any subsequent text separated by a blank line. More info:

I'm not sure how deployment of the site works. @dinoworm ๐Ÿ›?

@Hendrik Peter %XGAdapCqEFFTZPwg5jGsjAJFo4CwZuhmRZ2EFWOQ3oE=.sha256

I'll git commit amend some things yes! ;)

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