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@wakest (iOS Planetary) %ioZ7+gx7b23bOtjYF3Me/EGqWi9B83FbbBWyIxXUVjY=.sha256

Why hasn’t the following UI bug been fixed in #Planetary yet?

@Toul %ua5eC9InaDVrvE/5XHoaUyXkiANNlOceaHyxlJmk6gI=.sha256

Which one?

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@Rabble %UkueDahG8fbqVogUX2EjuEzPJAhHPnPxdoGhzPrBcU4=.sha256

I welcome PR’s.

@wakest (iOS Planetary) %TEYpSljEW6okfLxXWOw40HJ4oloO2LdynP1v6HOLYjM=.sha256

The one were when you click follow and the button state changes and then changes back.

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