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@cryPhone📱 %iqBKRUwWdEcgaibKDZ2wPRKRqLd3lsSz4h0N+c1hICs=.sha256

I plugged this key into manyverse since it’s fast now. 😅

No need to have multiple mobiles and not many people followed @many cryptix anyhow.

@Rabble %92mc5eFKy0UTWFUFetWHanvLzmPo6CPPfk3HoktImmQ=.sha256

You were able to move a planetary identity to Manyverse? That’s really cool.

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@Rabble %QUgmia1+mpNX1LfI9xnCN7Av4sExK8vN87OiUMtKiPw=.sha256

Yeah but we have to use a swift implementation because planetary has no JavaScript. It’s on our backlog:

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