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@Rich %kVyPBoCYx6VPLbUDqFPHHln6/PDrjR/61x0vAIZfHKA=.sha256
Re: %eHMjREx2C

hey @ronne sorry to hear about the imposter feelings! that sucks.

I'm not sure if it helps, but I can tell you how I think about this:

First, the moderator maybe doesn't need to be super knowledgeable, just bring some good questions and make sure the speaking time is shared fairly. Perhaps you can draft some questions now and develop them with the feedback of some people here on SSB?>

Maybe it is interesting to use a digital tool like Slido to crowdsource and rank questions from the audience? That way you can exemplify a different, tech-driven approach to power, within the lived experience of the podium.

I know this is only tangentially related but I wrote this blog about power dynamics in teams, maybe it will stimulate some useful thoughts for you :)

I would ask @Emmi and @dan hassan for their suggestions.

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