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@Rich %rfMKo89YIS/duLG0364+u4QNinc+i/6gvHdsGbI9EFg=.sha256

Hierarchy Is Not the Problem…

@Anders %pwvhNcfW6uBe/dIRlgR+8udK5WMaYXxjWjrG74lZX+U=.sha256
Voted undefined
@mix %6YOTlD0XKVDolATUk8WJDemphooCmfeU6R3D1iA5uTs=.sha256

This is friggen ace! @DanHassan @elavoie @zelf @mu @andrestaltz

@rich and I have been shaped by very similar experiences and community, so his recent writing to me feels like the concise accessible synthesis of a bunch of the values and practice I hold closely. I'm really interested to hear how it lands for other Butts, and I'd be super excited to practice using some of these lenses to have a look at ourselves and our dynamics.

@mix %Nk0N2QT5DkxdHNcHYafYtgg+vAlNqkVt7UqhBRpIJ44=.sha256
Voted undefined
@mix %pFDUHfvQluEYNEq3wIE8rMwZ21yh2DGN8Gt+pbI14Wo=.sha256

oh cc @Powersource - feed this into your proto-coop soup and see how it lands !

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@dan %5ZtlwjSYh1h6xDwT+iP9dgOb0dFIgmtrTbU+LCR0j3A=.sha256
Voted Great essay. I think I often use "hierarchy" as short for "non-consensual p
@dan %kaFbyICEDGR4zHeo1z2V8hsDLJh8pFaVjn7cxGde4fQ=.sha256
Voted [@Richard D. Bartlett](@3r4+IyB5NVl2in6QOZHIu9oSrZud+NuVgl2GX3x2WG8=.ed2551
@dan %N4I0eIFrRJIGi6/iUWANDZXbh11rhZlGuRwbh9cqiCQ=.sha256
Voted oh cc [@Powersource](@Vz6v3xKpzViiTM/GAe+hKkACZSqrErQQZgv4iqQxEn8=.ed25519)
@dan %Z9fffKSoh9jFw32hcEiI1o8dDbeVTqYEtMklmYLExGI=.sha256
Voted This is friggen ace! [@DanHassan](@NeB4q4Hy9IiMxs5L08oevEhivxW+/aDu/s/0SkNa
@dan %FTBdkzW4ST606uBX23mTKI43K4oSFQJT9GpNjcffRYo=.sha256

read part one, will read part two soon.

@rich have been enjoying your crystalisations of late. thank you. very appreciated food for thought and jumping board from which to help clarify own thinking etc.

i have no idea cheering maybe hermes

^ found this image surfing for cheers

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@Rich %sHU6nFKEyneR88sPGXp9mC6TWEnDjPz0j/GvIaUPc/8=.sha256

Yah I know this is a bit of a cheeky misuse of the word hierarchy... but I figure that's fair game given so much misuse of nonhierarchy?

@Rich %mUUJaAtzDq7gZOvR/eUC/mPl2tIVFrohP9YMKci1hLY=.sha256

FYI pretty great responses coming in on Twitter, if folks want to read deeper. E.g. replies on my original post and also up in my mentions.

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@Rich %YKBSL4AfOK41QFAu6s0gWIq1xvUBk9Bi/TcFWckybeY=.sha256

hey @pospi I kinda wrote this for you sweets

@dangerousbeans %6fBVe4lzDa9eDFx2qGJ86zmf3UlpB2/tvuSPvCkVlnw=.sha256

...usually drawn with friendly circles instead of evil triangles.

This is the best thing I've read this week

@pospi %sMO2o9xmQ7N72aDo3ifVING/xiEk+ZvvTtLWwUbq4UM=.sha256
Voted hey [@pospi](@Oqa5JW8rwWIVLBu38KkIb1IYz6Ax0yHuwRvLEGR1mkY=.ed25519) I kinda
@pospi %TgkXRkTasWLcGrGaQwR4WZDv2/dJdtaYr2sBIU6LnOg=.sha256

hey @pospi I kinda wrote this for you sweets

Well that's really lovely, I did find it a bit close to home that you linked to articles about ConsenSys internal turmoil! I read it a few days ago and I bookmarked it for future truth-wielding because it is great :D

@ktorn %YDjd3dH1konSyuMnP+fFE2w4WPrbUydNvYqIwJ31amA=.sha256

I don’t think we need a revolution for leaves to overthrow their branches.

They don't need to overthrow anything. They can just leave, which they do, every year, and it never ends well for them.


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