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@Jacob (desktop) %lf7jbJePDjkd7/Q+y7SyMhzFDvt0tLYY4+yXHMmh01c=.sha256
Re: %2FqyfAqPz

@cinnamon @Christian Bundy @Daan

oh and when I was publishing this, patchwork told me it was going to be private for some reason, and now it isn't? we should fix that hehe

@Christian Bundy %rwJzFL1fCi70s0wZIwMkNETE7qh+FHvNhb16HzU5t5o=.sha256

@🖥 jacob

Any chance it's fixed in master?

@Jacob (desktop) %xM4fE42kN8172eTDtx3NTWlV4C3GnSGaQI92a3lllaM=.sha256

@Christian Bundy ah looks like that one, thx

@Jacob (desktop) %moFfTur7/2wng2APFHc8727RHiycRlDcta+iz0BVtWo=.sha256

and yeah I'm not on master atm

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